As part of the Ministry Core Mandate, an estimated 20million souls have been reached with the Gospel of Christ across various countries with the help of God.

The strategies employed in achieving this goal is through collaboration, equipping, financial support to Missionaries, Pastors, Evangelist, Apostles and every stakeholder in the business of sharing the gospel across the various countries.

To the glory of God, more than 30,000 villages and communities have been reached across various regions.

The ministry has also engaged some Field Staff to monitor and Follow Up activities on the mission fields.

An estimate of 40,000 souls have been won for Christ while discipleship programmes are concurrently held at feasible areas. Certificated have been issued to some new converts that have successfully completed the discipleship programmes and follow up in progress.

To the glory of God, the ministry’s impacts on the seen in the following countries;

Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania. Kenya, Burundi, Republic of Congo, Republic of Benin, Seirra Leone and Bangladesh in Asia.

We are trusting the Lord to reach out to more African countries in no distance time.